How do I publish a site?

TL;DR You can publish your site in the editor by clicking the Publish button.

You’ve spent some good time crafting the perfect content for your Mixo website, made sure the images are just right and you’re ready to share your masterpiece with the world. But how do you do so? We’re here to guide you on your last step - publishing your site to make it live.

Before we dive in, there’s an important difference we need to talk about; the difference between ‘Saving’ and ‘Publishing’. So let’s break it down.

What does ‘Save’ mean?

When you click the ‘Save’ button in the Mixo editor, it’s kind of like storing your work in a private, personal gallery. This simply means that any changes you have made will not be lost when you close the editor or in case of a sudden power outage (yep, we’ve got you covered!). You can log off, take a nap, grab a coffee, and when you come back, just like magic, your work will be right there where you left it. However, saving changes does not make them visible to the public. So, think of ‘Save’ as your personal checkpoint.

What does ‘Publish’ mean?

Now, here’s where the magic truly happens! When you hit the ‘Publish’ button, you wave the green flag for your website to go live. This effectively takes all the changes you’ve saved and puts them out there on the Internet for everyone to see. This is like opening up your private, personal gallery to the public. So remember, ‘Publishing’ = ‘Going Live’.

Now that you know the difference, let’s proceed with how to publish your Mixo site:

  1. After creating your super-awesome site on Mixo, you’ll want to visit the editor dashboard. Just look for the “Edit Site” button next to your site in the sites list page.

  2. Once in the editor, it’s time to make the transition from offline to online. You’ll see a “Publish” button in the top right-hand corner. Click it.

  3. A dialog box will pop up confirming that it is publishing.

  4. Voila! You’ve just published your site on Mixo. Now, anyone who visits your custom or Mixo-made URL can view your website.

Remember, changes made after hitting the publish button won’t be visible to visitors until you hit that publish button again. So, don’t forget to “Save” your changes regularly and “Publish” when you’re ready to go live.

Happy website creating!

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