How to customize the favicon?

How to set favicon on your site

  1. Go to your site’s dashboard
  2. Click on the Sites Settings
  3. Scroll to until you see Favicon section
  4. Click to add and upload an image
  5. Click on the Save button. Remember to publish your site to see the changes.

Understanding Favicons

If you’ve ever glanced at your browser tabs and noticed little logos next to the page titles, then you’ve seen favicons in action! Favicons are small, but they pack a punch when it comes to your site’s branding and recognition. Let’s dive in and learn what favicons are, and how to pick the perfect one for your site.

What’s a Favicon?

A favicon, short for “favorite icon”, is a tiny image displayed next to your website’s title in a browser tab or bookmarks list. It’s like your site’s mini calling card and can be a small version of your logo or a symbol that represents your site’s content or ethos.

Because favicons are super small and square, the key is to keep them simple. They are usually the first impression of your brand that users see, so you want to make it count!

Why Use a Favicon?

  • Brand Identity: Favicons reinforce your visual identity and help users quickly identify your site.
  • Professionalism: A well-crafted favicon gives the impression that you care about the details.
  • Usability: In a sea of open tabs, a favicon lets users find your page at a glance.
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